26 August, 2009

where the mind leads the blog will follow

Here we go again; fresh start number 2. Man, when you've got nothing to say, these things don't exactly go easy. How about religion? Is it just me, or does it seem like religion as a whole is kind of making it's way towards the lime-light? I don't want to say it's quite fading, but it really seems like it's at the back of people's minds any more. Interest in it is fading; the interest in discussing all the atrocities committed in it's Benefactor's name, in arguing simple details or opinions like how one religion isn't quite as "good" as another. I think these folks have finally started to listen to all of us who tend towards denouncing their views as "ignorant" or even in a way perverse. Despite this simple observation I still notice a decline in even the healthy discussion around world religions. Perhaps this apparent careless attitude is just a mere understanding of sort appearing so to be careless and immobile. Perhaps the majority of us have come to terms with diversity in the realm of religion, and realized that the plethera of choices there are to base one's faith in Divinity have no real boundary besides their own shortcomings; which are no more than instances of people in power with motive to a) cash out, and b) force people into a set way of thought that would give leaders power over them as such that the only way to truth is in "what we tell you is truth". So history was changed, and with it a world-over way of thought of what Divinity means to us. With this new time we are beginning to see that certain religions are not what they were really made to be. I really speak of Christianity and it's fall throughout the middle-ages, and with it Islam. It was really just prior to and through the time of the crusades where ideas of the first were altered to fit the greedy. Then with propaganda spreading about the latter throughout Europe, and the Muslim's new-found spite for anything Christian, we see a rip in the validity of teachings in both religions.


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