27 May, 2009


Let's see here.....I am finally getting started with this blog. I've had such writer's block the last few months that even a simple blog seemed like taming ants. Though I think I shouldn't try so hard to write, for futility seems more present around my work than ever. I've known this too, but still persisted. Maybe I've just been "here" too long. Here being; living at home with my parents, at a ripe ripe age of twenty-five no less, with barely an ambition in mind that I could be really proud to say I possess...except of course for this: I want to be a writer. I so desire the prospects of being a writer. I believe with the very core of my being that it is in my blood. So I am left here, in the process of gathering my thoughts, preparing for the 'big show'. Although it appears I am late for work, so I must be off.

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