14 April, 2011

O What A World!

Okay, it isn't just me. The world feels like it's spinning at a 1000 miles per hour. I mean, a million miles per hour. I think it's actually going at about 20000, but nonetheless we are cruising! I can literally feel the process of evolution happening All The Time, continuously changing and molding us into the idealic versions of ourselves. It used to be that evolution would occur over lengthy periods of time, one mutation taking effect over a span of generations. Now, we are moving so quickly that noticeable changes are in fact occurring day to day. But not in the same fashion. Physically, we are not much different. The changes include simple changes to our immune systems or endocrine systems. Things that don't present necessarily noticeable changes, aside from one saying, "wow, I haven't been sick in like 2 years!" Or, "Well look at that, my cancer just cleared up." Miraculous things sometimes. Our evolution is marked as an internal occurrence, presenting us as being closer to the very core of our nature. It's like we are reaching back in time to the beginning of the universe and noticing the pure essence of the energy of the beginning, and noticing it as being a part of our very self. We are stepping beyond everything that we've known to be "traditional". It is evident in all facets of life now too.
Technologically, we are on the cusp of next-gen, future world tech that will make life totally sustainable. It is the ground breaking work with quantum mechanics and bio-technology that will make this a true reality. Things that may seem to break physical law, truly unbelievable things, are at our front doors. We are mere months away from the emergence of the extraordinary that has the ability to change our lives forever and for the the better. Our dependence on big oil and monopolies of the like that hold people's lives by the strings on our backs is lessening vastly. It will come crashing down soon, enough. We just need the emergence of that one technological advancement that will set sparks flying, catching others up in a techno race like no other. Once the ground is set, inspiration will take hold and help propel us into the future with sustainability supporting us and us it. We are cutting our strings, and going out to walk on our own
Spiritually, we are evolving at a faster rate than ever before. Institutionalized devotees are opening up to grander views of their own faiths. Agnostics are honing their spiritual compass' and finding a direction to walk. Atheists are finding a spiritual path can exist where once they saw naught. Sight, on a whole, is becoming clearer. Our peripherals are widening, finer details are becoming clear as day light.
Societally, we are more cognizant of each other in the sense of virtue. We are becoming nicer, more helpful, feeling more in tune with those around us. It is for these feelings that we are acting more for the betterment of those around us. This is us opening up to our true nature. We are evolving.
All of these facets of life are improving exponentially, propelling us towards a totally new dimension of life. The idealists are already experiencing the changes, internally and externally. Those of us who have always maintained that there is indeed a betterment to attain to, a more qualified mode of being that vibes with the ideals we hold for true, are finding the reason we never gave up those ideas.
There are those who are just starting to wake up to a new way, and those who will soon enough. Millions upon millions of people are about to experience the world as something they never thought possible. This experience is likened to the quickening of technological development. The evolution of technology over the span of time from the harnessing of electricity to the creation of anti-matter particles was approximately 250 years; the 18th c. with Ben Franklin to now with quantum physicists. What we've accomplished in such a short time speaks to the rate of development within our own selves. We have the capability to advance at such a rate that it seems almost unbelievable. It's difficult to say with any certainty just what advancements will occur and the magnitude of such. Although today, I believe, it is easier to imagine what the future world will be like then it was for say Ben Franklin.
We work and operate at a much faster pace, for life is literally speeding up. It doesn't just seem to be moving faster. One glorious wonder that science has revealed to us by means of the WMAP, NASA's Wilinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, is that the universe itself is ever-expanding at an ever-increasing speed. This wonderful little diddy of a device, by measuring the cosmic background radiation produced by the "Big Bang" shows us the age and shape of the universe, and therefore we can measure the rate at which the universe expands. And so on the human scale of things we can determine that we are moving forward at the governing rate of the universe itself. It goes faster and therefore we do too. It's quite a simple notion. This accounts for the speed at which our technological, sociological and spiritual advancements occur. I realize this is a mere supposition, but I believe it to be sound deductive reasoning. An example I like to think about when making these comparisons between the grand scale of the universe itself and mankind's own advancement - how one begets the other - is the working model of atomic structure as compared to model of a solar system or even a galaxy. An atom is composed of a nucleus, the core structure of the atom, surrounded by a relative vast amount of empty space and a ring of electrons spinning around it, all functioning as they do because of electro-magnetism and gravitational force. The magnetism acts against gravity to keep the electrons in place around the nucleus and not flying off into the space around the atom. A solar system functions in the exact same way. A star composes the center generating an electro-magnetic field and an extreme amount of gravity keeping the surrounding planets in orbit and not flying off into the surrounding space. And on an even larger scale a galaxy too functions the same; with the center mass, usually a super-massive black hole acting like an enormous star, keeping the surrounding solar systems in orbit. All of these named processes work in perfect harmony. Therefore, if it is possible to show that all the many scales that life exists function in the same fashion, it makes perfect sense to maintain that we advance in our scale much the same as the universe advances in it's.
(to be continued)

13 July, 2010

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04 May, 2010

Virtue in The Moden World

Okay, there are a couple of things I’d like to address regarding the position the majority of folks out there take on what it is to be human today. It’s been at the focus of my attention for some time now that people are selfish. Yes, we’ve known that to be the case for a long time yet, but a guy can dream right? What I mean is there is another way; a way less traveled, a road not taken too often, a position the minority has always maintained. It’s been called so many things in so many places that it must hold a least a little bit of sway in the general undertaking of human activity, or the understanding of what it is to be human. I know I may lose most of you right about here, so to those who desire to continue reading, thanks. This road less traveled has been called “the path of righteousness” in Christianity, “the middle way” in Buddhism, put simply “the way” in Taoism, the prospect of “kharma” in the Hindu world. The list continues but I believe you understand the point. There are these ways of life available to us, and have been preached about for millennia and millennia. We’ve been reminded of virtue since the beginning of human society. We each understand what it is to be virtuous, but it seems what people find most difficult about it is applying it to everyday life. Random acts of kindness and simple virtue don’t necessarily fit into people’s schedules, as it were. The real bitch of it is the people claiming to be walking this “path of righteousness” when in fact their main concern is measuring themselves against the person next to them, doing all sorts of things counter to the very belief system in which they base their “faith”. The big one that comes to mind is Christianity today. It’s interesting that the best examples of Christians you can find today, i.e. those who truly follow their doctrine and strive to be genuinely good people, are those in the extremely poor countries where Christian missionaries have chosen to help “save”.
Now, these missionaries are sort of looked at in poor light. It’s true that in their beginning, in the late 14th century, and even into more modern times like the 19th century, the goal wasn’t necessarily very clear. There were a lot of misconceptions about divinity throughout Europe in these times; the concepts of Hell and Purgatory being comprised to scare individuals into giving money to the church so that their souls could be saved. This stuff really happened. It was the dark ages, but nonetheless, those concepts have carried over even into today, which help contribute to the misunderstanding of people’s very religion.
But today missionaries, at the very least some of them, have managed to touch these people in great ways. They did offer belief systems different to their traditional systems of belief, but the true message of Christianity outside of all the frilly stories and dogmatic ways of thought have reached these people. They understand the concepts of helping those who can’t help themselves, giving alms to the poor, practices like “the golden rule”, and all the things that make a good Christian a “good Christian”. I’ve experienced this first hand in the Philippines. I have met literally the nicest people I have ever met in the poorest village I have ever seen: People who are willing to give the last of their food to a stranger just to be nice. It made me kind of sick to see practices that are so meticulously practiced in the Philippines are so vehemently mal-practiced in the states and throughout the world.
I’ve come to the conclusion that certain ways of daily life tend to get in the way of true practice. Specifically, the way we Americans go about day to day trying to one-up everybody next to us. We get so caught up in this activity that we totally ignore the facets of a virtuous life proposed in our churches and synagogues and the like. Now, there are plenty of non-practitioners that this argument doesn’t seem to apply to, but there's a very important point worth mentioning; that the concept of virtue has been in direct contact with religion for thousands of years now. It's been the basic precept for all of the religions of the world that involve nurturing the "soul" so to impart connection to divine forces.
Now, in the modern world, where capitalism is proof of a successful society, these basic precepts do not prove to be the most important points of religious movement. People seem to be more at odds with their particular religions. Christians for a large majority seem to have forgotten the words of their "savior". Yes, they go to church, and while they are there they recognize all the faults with themselves and make that vow to be a good person, but as soon as they leave they get so caught up in greed that they are willing to sacrifice their very foundation of a selfless individual for a mere few dollars to buy a new high definition flat-screen television. While they are all too aware of starving individuals across the world, they manage to close themselves off to the world around them just so they can enjoy sitting down in front of that t.v. I don't mean to single out Christianity here, nor do I intend to say everyone is like this. It's the same across the board of the many religions, and too there are many, many genuinely good people out there who spend more time helping others then monopolizing their time with greedy undertakings.
I know it's a near impossible thing to ask that people stop being selfish. It's sort of foolish, I know. But, if things were different, if our ancestors taught their children that stopping to help someone up who's fallen down, or spent some money so that a family didn't have to go without dinner for an evening, were all good things that were indeed rewarding to the self just for having made a difference, we'd all be in a much simpler, and favorable place right now. America wouldn't be looked upon as a nation of devils run by even worse devils. There wouldn't be those unnecessary stresses of adolescence, wondering if one is going to be able to go to school without fear of bullies or simple hierarchies of "cool" kids and "uncool" kids. Very simply there wouldn't be nearly as much BULLSHIT as there is. It's the way we're brought up, in the country we are in. We are conditioned from very early on by media and politics to like and dislike certain things. It's gone on for so long that we have a hard time imagining anything different. When you do go against the grain and speak out like this blog, people think you're being ridiculous and "idealistic". La la la idealism...this "lofty" unreal concept that couldn't possibly count for anything... This is what our society teaches us: that to dream of better conditions is to dream of the unattainable. Well, society is wrong, and if history teaches us anything is that the seemingly unreal typically becomes the norm in time. Look at Galileo, Einstein, Quantum Physics, Newton, Freud, and alot of these examples are still being reworked and refined! Things that blew our minds 500 years ago are to this day being expanded upon. Things change. They change for the better, and that is exactly what is happening now.

09 February, 2010

A Testament to The Soul

Let the tides give way, and the order start anew. We travel along a broken road, with no worry big enough to cause alarm. The mass of humans bearing the title of “earth walker” have long forgotten that which led to our past exploration into things enigmatic in nature and existential in form; that is to say, without much form at all. Least, not one to share the meaning with things like “brave”, “endearing”, “useful”, “wise”, other adjectives describing the attributes of an individual, or people. When at the end of the day, we see the worry crease on the faces of the starving people’s of distant lands, even nearer distant than one would typically imagine, a new feeling ought to arise and come forth into the light that surrounds us all; (the limelight if you will). To stand for those beaten and contentment-hungry individuals is the least one, and all can, do. For us to reach beyond even the least of our obligation and to offer them something well beyond simple contentment would be a blessing to us all. It is one step towards the desired direction; with virtue in the forefront of people’s minds. The more we live with this, o so, wonder filled statement of the soul, the more we can touch the mind’s of weaker willed individuals who want with all their might to be strong and virtuous, but fail to step beyond rational thinking justifying trendy, shallow method. Less and less will these steepled-emotional beings fall the length of their slope. In fact, their slopes may gradually incline in to much broader angles, and into great arcs! We will be long, tall arcs of emotional assurance and rescue speaking of success, among long, tall arcs of emotional grace and wonder. For, with new feelings of a broad nature, they cannot help but to be overcome by the senses of joy and wonder, knowing grace as if they were touched by Divinity itself. Of course, that is just what these people experience. Grace without bounds.

25 September, 2009

लिविंग इन सिलेंस; बेत्वीन फंतासी एंड अम्बिशन

it's a caustic world we live in, and the causes we create to drive our lives in the forward direction can sometimes be a little difficult to find and unfold. It isn't all that uncommon to see greatness when in a position like this. In fact, it can be those very thoughts that keep one from stepping out of the boundaries lain before them. I suppose it's a matter of aptitude, but before that realization comes one might need to caste aside any doubts of self-worth and encourage greatness in that what they do. Commit to action, and accept the change thereafter; a few words of encouragement for myself. :)

02 September, 2009

she blinded me with science!

What would you say if i here proposed that science AND religion could converge, build upon one another and be no more different than what they were other than being a bit more edgy?; the concepts are still the same, but what they can offer each other is just too valuable to go unnoticed any further. already, if you look at the evolution of what people conceived of as truth in Christianity, i.e.: world history, as in the creation story, as in the world is much older than what an uneducated view of the bible says it is, we see that science has given us the physical evidence to show that the creation story is totally intended to be a metaphor, a parable for the birth of the universe and the introduction of mankind as rational beings amidst a "garden" variety of plants and animals...that we have the ability to tend to whether or not we choose to feel obliged. Science has given us this. That alone tells me there is more to be had, that we can't just make this cut off that says, "okay, to this point science's explanations are okay, but after that it just can't be." That, to me, is close-minded, ignorant, and a whole bunch of other things that doesn't speak well of those who refuse to open up to these ideas. I see religious people, namely Christians, who are coming to terms with what science says today about our universe. Gradually people are opening up to it because they are thinking it through. They see all of our images of the deep space and see there is quite a bit more to our physical universe than once imagined. They see the fossils dug up out of the earth for what they truly are, not as tools placed there by a malevolent force to throw us off. And they see all the feats we've accomplished in micro-science, studying aspects of atomic structure, cell growth, and even further in quantum particles. We're discovering new particles all the time, cosmic particles that simply make such little sense that it's almost nonsensical to think of them as real, but the proof is in the experiments.
There exist quantum particles that are so incredibly basic and small that they just simply pop in and out of existence all the time. Even more that can simultaneously appear to exist in two places at the same time. Not just two pieces of one appearing in two places, two of the SAME particle. The speed of which is so fast that time itself is thrown out of the equation. Time no longer applies to it, the laws of physics cease to be relevant, chaos theory takes the stand.
All of these very interesting points are being recognized by the misinterpreters of ancient texts, and much needed benefits are being had. They themselves benefit from the knowledge of such so their world grows that much more, and we too benefit because there are that many more people understanding more how the world functions, so we're all on even ground, so to speak.
I think it's only a matter of time before we begin to put the two together; this newer version of science that allows for fantastical things to occur and religion today that is full of open-minded fans. If you also take in to account the very fact that the mind itself is still so very confusing, performing in ways that astound even the most affluent in that field of study, one must, I feel, reach a conclusion that there is no conclusion and there is something that links our minds to the universe in a way not really talked about in the open. A general connection to the universe feels like a connection to Divinity.
I feel like I'm getting too far away from the point I was attempting to make here, or not coming close enough. I think when you come right down to it we haven't, in either of these two fields, the capacity to allow for the essential keys necessary for bridging the gap, so to speak. In other words, I do not think we know, or accept, certain things about them that would allow us to do so. We need to look further into the future for these, when our knowledge of scientific law is greater then previously imagined. Don't worry, it will be. The rapid evolution of science from even 100 years ago until today tells me there is plenty of room for improvement. And, on religion; when the majority of the world become active participants in the very concept of, and not only that but some of them learn to correctly interpret the teachings of the religion that they've grounded their very being in, we can move forward here as well, into (I kind of hate to say it but) a sort of "brave new world" where open-mindedness is a leading exponent for society, not erred judgment and moot concepts of togetherness.

26 August, 2009

where the mind leads the blog will follow

Here we go again; fresh start number 2. Man, when you've got nothing to say, these things don't exactly go easy. How about religion? Is it just me, or does it seem like religion as a whole is kind of making it's way towards the lime-light? I don't want to say it's quite fading, but it really seems like it's at the back of people's minds any more. Interest in it is fading; the interest in discussing all the atrocities committed in it's Benefactor's name, in arguing simple details or opinions like how one religion isn't quite as "good" as another. I think these folks have finally started to listen to all of us who tend towards denouncing their views as "ignorant" or even in a way perverse. Despite this simple observation I still notice a decline in even the healthy discussion around world religions. Perhaps this apparent careless attitude is just a mere understanding of sort appearing so to be careless and immobile. Perhaps the majority of us have come to terms with diversity in the realm of religion, and realized that the plethera of choices there are to base one's faith in Divinity have no real boundary besides their own shortcomings; which are no more than instances of people in power with motive to a) cash out, and b) force people into a set way of thought that would give leaders power over them as such that the only way to truth is in "what we tell you is truth". So history was changed, and with it a world-over way of thought of what Divinity means to us. With this new time we are beginning to see that certain religions are not what they were really made to be. I really speak of Christianity and it's fall throughout the middle-ages, and with it Islam. It was really just prior to and through the time of the crusades where ideas of the first were altered to fit the greedy. Then with propaganda spreading about the latter throughout Europe, and the Muslim's new-found spite for anything Christian, we see a rip in the validity of teachings in both religions.

