25 September, 2009

लिविंग इन सिलेंस; बेत्वीन फंतासी एंड अम्बिशन

it's a caustic world we live in, and the causes we create to drive our lives in the forward direction can sometimes be a little difficult to find and unfold. It isn't all that uncommon to see greatness when in a position like this. In fact, it can be those very thoughts that keep one from stepping out of the boundaries lain before them. I suppose it's a matter of aptitude, but before that realization comes one might need to caste aside any doubts of self-worth and encourage greatness in that what they do. Commit to action, and accept the change thereafter; a few words of encouragement for myself. :)

1 comment:

Shelley Szajner said...

Continuously expanding one's boundaries is simultaneously scary and exciting. And I predict you're about to bust down some old boundaries, soon, my good man :-)

p.s. I used too many adverbs. My bad!
