Let's see...I'm 27 years old and I like to keep things simple, to a certain extent. I'm not a big party-er as much as I am rather hermit-like. I'd rather stay in with a couple friends than go waste some money. It's hard enough to come across. I'm eco-friendly, though not so bad that you'd want to puke. I believe in preserving this beautiful place where we are so lucky to be living. I appreciate a good philosophical debate, while in my free time pondering the mystery that seems to elude us all. I was a student of philosophy and religion but ended my studies early to figures some things out. I'm still absorbed in those, but I think finishing school with an English degree would be better suited. As an aspiring writer in numerous fields like science fiction, fantasy, philosophy, religion, psychology, poetry, etc., I have a lot to say regarding some things and am confident in my ability to articulate these ideas.