25 September, 2009

लिविंग इन सिलेंस; बेत्वीन फंतासी एंड अम्बिशन

it's a caustic world we live in, and the causes we create to drive our lives in the forward direction can sometimes be a little difficult to find and unfold. It isn't all that uncommon to see greatness when in a position like this. In fact, it can be those very thoughts that keep one from stepping out of the boundaries lain before them. I suppose it's a matter of aptitude, but before that realization comes one might need to caste aside any doubts of self-worth and encourage greatness in that what they do. Commit to action, and accept the change thereafter; a few words of encouragement for myself. :)

02 September, 2009

she blinded me with science!

What would you say if i here proposed that science AND religion could converge, build upon one another and be no more different than what they were other than being a bit more edgy?; the concepts are still the same, but what they can offer each other is just too valuable to go unnoticed any further. already, if you look at the evolution of what people conceived of as truth in Christianity, i.e.: world history, as in the creation story, as in the world is much older than what an uneducated view of the bible says it is, we see that science has given us the physical evidence to show that the creation story is totally intended to be a metaphor, a parable for the birth of the universe and the introduction of mankind as rational beings amidst a "garden" variety of plants and animals...that we have the ability to tend to whether or not we choose to feel obliged. Science has given us this. That alone tells me there is more to be had, that we can't just make this cut off that says, "okay, to this point science's explanations are okay, but after that it just can't be." That, to me, is close-minded, ignorant, and a whole bunch of other things that doesn't speak well of those who refuse to open up to these ideas. I see religious people, namely Christians, who are coming to terms with what science says today about our universe. Gradually people are opening up to it because they are thinking it through. They see all of our images of the deep space and see there is quite a bit more to our physical universe than once imagined. They see the fossils dug up out of the earth for what they truly are, not as tools placed there by a malevolent force to throw us off. And they see all the feats we've accomplished in micro-science, studying aspects of atomic structure, cell growth, and even further in quantum particles. We're discovering new particles all the time, cosmic particles that simply make such little sense that it's almost nonsensical to think of them as real, but the proof is in the experiments.
There exist quantum particles that are so incredibly basic and small that they just simply pop in and out of existence all the time. Even more that can simultaneously appear to exist in two places at the same time. Not just two pieces of one appearing in two places, two of the SAME particle. The speed of which is so fast that time itself is thrown out of the equation. Time no longer applies to it, the laws of physics cease to be relevant, chaos theory takes the stand.
All of these very interesting points are being recognized by the misinterpreters of ancient texts, and much needed benefits are being had. They themselves benefit from the knowledge of such so their world grows that much more, and we too benefit because there are that many more people understanding more how the world functions, so we're all on even ground, so to speak.
I think it's only a matter of time before we begin to put the two together; this newer version of science that allows for fantastical things to occur and religion today that is full of open-minded fans. If you also take in to account the very fact that the mind itself is still so very confusing, performing in ways that astound even the most affluent in that field of study, one must, I feel, reach a conclusion that there is no conclusion and there is something that links our minds to the universe in a way not really talked about in the open. A general connection to the universe feels like a connection to Divinity.
I feel like I'm getting too far away from the point I was attempting to make here, or not coming close enough. I think when you come right down to it we haven't, in either of these two fields, the capacity to allow for the essential keys necessary for bridging the gap, so to speak. In other words, I do not think we know, or accept, certain things about them that would allow us to do so. We need to look further into the future for these, when our knowledge of scientific law is greater then previously imagined. Don't worry, it will be. The rapid evolution of science from even 100 years ago until today tells me there is plenty of room for improvement. And, on religion; when the majority of the world become active participants in the very concept of, and not only that but some of them learn to correctly interpret the teachings of the religion that they've grounded their very being in, we can move forward here as well, into (I kind of hate to say it but) a sort of "brave new world" where open-mindedness is a leading exponent for society, not erred judgment and moot concepts of togetherness.
